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Our Services

Online Presence

The foundation of everything

Online Presence – Referring To The Entire Universe of Your Business As It Exists On The Internet

It means more than just your website. It includes how your website is found, where your website is found, what other platforms is your business represented on.

A Lot Of Heavy Lifting Goes Into The Foundation Of Your Business Online – Before Any Paid Advertising Efforts Begin

We consider the following before letting any advertising dollars fly 

  • Properly represent your company online
  • Build familiarity, trust and choice with your consumer
  • Capitalize on digitals ability to develop relationships with your customer
  • Position yourself as the leader within your industry and market
  • Attract qualified website, social and ultimately, store traffic to your business

Website Optimization

We start with auditing current websites before we would advise that an entirely new one be developed. The content, historical data and popularity of your website can hold a lot of weight that could be compromised with a web platform revamp.

Website Audit Might Include:

  • Determine overall health of the website, platform version, SSL certificate, security features, etc.
  • Score the functionality including button links, forms, shopping cart, etc.
  • Evaluate the user flow, how easy is it to understand the website and get around
  • Review analytics if installed
  • Identify opportunities for improved functionality and conversion

Website Optimization Might Look Like:

  • Implement any relevant platform features, SEO and technical/design improvements
  • Confirm all search engine submissions are current and connect Google Search Console
  • Address any errors or issues with functionality – enhance user experience
  • Conduct keyword research for all online properties for Search Engine Optimizing
  • Develop contact forms and conversion pages
  • Connect social channels
  • Create and implement Google Analytics Tracking – This is a key component that will provide insight to your website traffic and guide beneficial future actions
  • Determine additional content and imagery that would enhance the website and coordinate development and implementation

Website Development

Upon the website audit, if it is determined that a new build would be the most beneficial in the long-term strategy, we’ll provide options for a complete programming and design of a new website.

Online Directory Management

Online directories play a key role in making sure your business appears in local organic search results, with the correct information about who you are and how to contact you.

Process and Benefits of Online Directory Management:


  • Involves verification process determined by Google
  • Allows your business to be found on local and map searches on Google
  • Ability to accurately represent your business with information and images
  • Familiar platform for customers to leave and read reviews
  • Ability to respond and engage with customers via reviews and demonstrate professionalism to potential customers

The Most Common Platforms We Work On:

Industry specific directories

Social Media Platforms

Sometimes your social media platforms need a good scrubbin’. Many of our clients’ social platforms have passed through many hands of who is posting and ‘managing’ them. This can result in outdated information, language or links. Ensure your social profiles are accurate and giving your customers a positive way of interacting with you.

A Social Media Audit Might Include:

  • Ensure proper logo size and cover images
  • Review accuracy of business information, hours, links, etc.
  • Optimize listings to take advantage of all tools (highlights, link trees, buttons, chat features, etc.)
  • Edit/Add Action Button on Facebook
  • Analyze overall settings and provide or implement recommendations of best practices
  • Develop hashtag list and retroactively apply to posts if applicable
  • Analyze social audience demos and behaviors for advertising profile
  • Templates of best sizes for posts across various platforms

Ready for a change?

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